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Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

Pre-Surgical Psychological Evaluations

Many elective surgical procedures require a psychological evaluation to ensure the patient is mentally and emotionally prepared for the procedure and postoperative recovery process. At Fairfax Mental Health and Wellness, we provide comprehensive pre-surgical psychological evaluations for the following procedures:

Bariatric Surgery

Spinal Cord Stimulator Implantation

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

And other elective surgeries as required


Our pre-surgical evaluation process is designed to be convenient and thorough. It consists of the following steps:

Virtual Intake Interview

During an hour-long virtual appointment, Dr. Jennifer Shore will conduct an in-depth interview to collect your full background information, surgical history, and current situation.

Self-Report Assessments

After the intake, you will be emailed approximately 5 self-report assessment measures to complete on your own time. These assessments allow us to gauge your psychological readiness.

Evaluation Report

Within one week of receiving your completed assessments, Dr. Shore will prepare a comprehensive psychological evaluation report.

Feedback Session

Appointment (If Needed) If the results differ from expectations or you wish to review the findings, a follow-up virtual feedback appointment can be scheduled with Dr. Shore.

Our pre-surgical psychological evaluations ensure you are emotionally and mentally prepared for your upcoming procedure, and are often required by insurance companies and physicians. We provide the evaluation reports directly to you and/or your surgical team as required.

  • Do you offer telehealth medication management services?
    Many appointments can be conducted remotely. However, as of May 11th, 2023, any patient prescribed a controlled substance will need to come into the office at least once a year, in accordance with the Ryan Haight Act, a federal law.
  • Should I see a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse practitioner?
    It all depends on what you’re most comfortable with. Both psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners are highly-trained and experts in their fields. Every patient has different needs and your practitioner will determine if they are the right fit for you.
  • Can a nurse practitioner prescribe medication?
    Yes, a psychiatric nurse practitioner (NP) can prescribe medication and treat you for your condition just as a psychiatrist would.
  • If I think I know which medication will help me, will you prescribe it?
    Our providers will prescribe what they believe to be appropriate for our patients. While your feedback is appreciated, it is 100% up to our providers’ discretion to prescribe what they believe is necessary.
  • If I make an appointment, am I guaranteed a prescription?
    No. Sometimes our medication management providers do not think medication is the appropriate solution for what you are experiencing. Sometimes they will recommend changes in diet, therapy or other solutions.
  • What if I’m traveling? Can I still have my appointment?
    Only if you are traveling in-state. State law mandates that you are physically in the state where your clinician is licensed during your appointment. For all new patients coming in for medication management and therapy, cancellations will result in forfeiture of your deposit. If you reschedule 24 hours prior to your appointment, your deposit will roll over. For established patients, cancellations within 24 hours of the appointment will result in a charge that is the full rate of the service.
  • What should I do if I experience side effects from my mental health medication?
    If you experience side effects from your medication, it's important to notify your healthcare provider promptly. Some side effects might be mild and manageable and short term, but others can be more severe and require adjustments to your medication regimen. Your provider can help determine whether the side effects are typical, if they will likely subside over time, or if your medication needs to be changed. Do not stop taking the medication without consulting your provider. Stopping medications without consulting your provider may result in worsening of your symptoms or other unintended challenges.
  • How long does it take for mental health medications to start working?
    The time it takes for mental health medications to start working can vary widely depending on the type of medication and the individual. For example, antidepressants typically take about four to six weeks to begin showing noticeable benefit, but it can sometimes take longer to experience the full benefits. Medications for other disorders, like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, might show some effects sooner, but also usually require time to reach full efficacy. It's important to have ongoing communication and follow up appointments with your healthcare provider during this period to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Is it safe to stop taking mental health medication if I feel better?
    It is generally not safe to stop taking mental health medication without consulting your healthcare provider, even if you feel better. Many mental health conditions require long-term treatment and stopping medication abruptly can lead to a relapse or withdrawal symptoms. If you feel that you might not need medication anymore, discuss this with your provider. They can assess your situation and, when appropriate, will help you taper off the medication gradually and safely to minimize any potential negative effects. If you have more questions or need personalized advice about managing mental health medications, our team at Fairfax Mental Health & Wellness is here to help. Contact us to learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced mental health professionals. Together, we can find the right approach for your mental wellness journey.

Recognized for Our Leading Care

Shortly after giving birth to her first child, Dr. Shore founded FMHW because she was passionate about providing high-quality psychotherapy and psychological testing to children, adolescents, and adults alike. FMHW was shaped around that passion: an intentional coalition of highly qualified clinical providers who truly care about the health, well-being, and long-term growth of their clients.

Reach Out to FMHW Today

To schedule your pre-surgical psychological evaluation at Fairfax Mental Health and Wellness, contact us today.

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